Quarterbacking a Transaction

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We're Here To Help

Many times a potential buyer and seller have already discussed the possibility of completing a transaction among themselves, but they are not sure how to proceed through the process. This is where The Independence Group can provide valuable assistance. We can provide the following services:

  • Prepare a value estimate for the company to be acquired
  • Prepare a letter of intent to establish a clear understanding of the terms of the deal
  • Establish a closing process
  • Coordinate the due diligence process
  • Assist buyer with financing alternatives
  • Coordinate completion of final legal documents with attorneys
  • Assist in completion of property lease arrangements, if necessary
  • Follow deal through to closing
  • Assist in post transaction adjustment calculations

Quarterbacking deals can save substantial amounts with transaction costs since there is not a third-party broker involved in the transaction. The fee to The Independence Group is a noncontingent fee meaning it is due and payable regardless of whether a transaction is completed between the parties or not.